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Temat: Nmap - error...

  1. #1

    Domyślnie Nmap - error...

    Witam, gdy probuje przeskanowac jakiegokolwiek hosta, Nmap wywala mi takie cos:

    WARNING: Using raw sockets because ppp0 is not an ethernet device. This probably won't work on Windows.

    pcap_open_live(ppp0, 100, 0, 2) FAILED. Reported error: Error opening adapter: Nie można odnaleźć urządzenia. (20). Will wait 5 seconds then retry.

    pcap_open_live(ppp0, 100, 0, 2) FAILED. Reported error: Error opening adapter: Nie można odnaleźć urządzenia. (20). Will wait 25 seconds then retry.

    Call to pcap_open_live() failed three times. There are several possible reasons for this, depending on your operating system:

    LINUX: If you are getting Socket type not supported, try modprobe af_packet or recompile your kernel with PACKET enabled.

    *BSD: If you are getting device not configured, you need to recompile your kernel with Berkeley Packet Filter support. If you are getting No such file or directory, try creating the device (eg cd /dev; MAKEDEV <device>; or use mknod).

    *WINDOWS: Nmap only supports ethernet interfaces on Windows for most operations because Microsoft disabled raw sockets as of Windows XP SP2. Depending on the reason for this error, it is possible that the --unprivileged command-line argument will help.

    SOLARIS: If you are trying to scan localhost or the address of an interface and are getting '/dev/lo0: No such file or directory' or 'lo0: No DLPI device found', complain to Sun. I don't think Solaris can support advanced localhost scans. You can probably use "-Pn -sT localhost" though.


    Przeszukałem Google ale nie znalazlem odpowiedzi. Moglby mi ktos pomoc?
    Czy potrzeba jakiegos adaptera czy cos...
    Prosze o szybka odpowiedz i pozdrawiam.

  2. #2
    Jun 2006


    Cytat Napisał Wild_Storm Zobacz post
    WARNING: Using raw sockets because ppp0 is not an ethernet device. This probably won't work on Windows.
    ... a jaki to OS? Czytales dokladnie opis ktory odstales ponizej zaznaczonego fragmentu?
    ctrl-alt-del.cc - soft reset site for IT admins and other staff :-)

  3. #3


    No tak o winde chodzi...
    To jak, Nmap pod Windowsa nie działa? Dodam że skanowanie localhosta przebiega sprawnie i bez problemow.

  4. #4
    Jun 2006


    Przepraszam, ktorej czesci z mojego wczesniejszego cytatu nie rozumiesz, to wyjasnie...

    Cytat Napisał Wild_Storm Zobacz post
    *WINDOWS: Nmap only supports ethernet interfaces on Windows for most operations because Microsoft disabled raw sockets as of Windows XP SP2. Depending on the reason for this error, it is possible that the --unprivileged command-line argument will help.
    Dodatkowo to... i to jest tekst ktory sam wkleiles, wiec czytanie ze zrozumieniem ma przyszlosc - calosc masz od samego poczatku na wlasnym ekranie.
    ctrl-alt-del.cc - soft reset site for IT admins and other staff :-)

  5. #5


    Nmap nie działa na Win XP SP2. Czy daloby rade jakos ominac/zdjac te blokade Microsoftu na Raw Socket's ?

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