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Temat: Hi everybody!

  1. #1

    Domyślnie Question

    Hi there guys!
    I just wonder if you have a kind of section where you guys buy/sell some personal stuff ( accs, soft, traff, ftp's, etc.)
    Or may be u can advise some other forum where they have such kinda section
    Thanks ;-)
    Ostatnio edytowane przez MrBonD : 11-20-2007 - 21:08

  2. #2
    Jun 2006


    Sorry, we don't have anything like that. If you look around the net surely you will find something but honestly I didn't look for anything like that and never seen it. Maybe someone else will drop a line with some more useful info.

    Good luck!
    ctrl-alt-del.cc - soft reset site for IT admins and other staff :-)

  3. #3


    Cytat Napisał tqm Zobacz post
    Sorry, we don't have anything like that. If you look around the net surely you will find something but honestly I didn't look for anything like that and never seen it. Maybe someone else will drop a line with some more useful info.

    Good luck!
    Thanks buddy ;-)
    Still waiting for someone else's comments

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