# exploit title: html injection in autosite php 2.0.3
# date: 3.o3.2o11
# author: lemlajt
# software : 
# version: 
# tested on: linux
# cve : 


Some vulnerabilities have been discovered in AutositePHP, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct cross-site scripting and script/html insertion attacks.

1) Input passed via the "to", "subject", "message" to "autositephp2_0_3/autositephp/index.php?page=users/privatemessages/index.php&folder=inbox&op=send" is not properly sanitised before being displayed to the user. This can be exploited to insert arbitrary HTML and script code, which will be executed in a user's browser session in context of an affected site when the malicious article is being viewed.

In param 1) and 2) there is possibility to insert XSS, but $message param is vulnerable to html injection.

2_ Input passed via the "year" to "autositephp2_0_3/autositephp/index.php?page=pages/Site Stats/index.php" is not properly sanitised before being displayed to the user. This can be exploited to insert arbitary HTML and script code, which will be executed in a user's browser session in context of an affected site when the malicious article is being viewed.

# regards,
# lemlajt
# *